Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Star Wars Uprising MOD APK 1.0.2 God Mode 1 hit kill

Star Wars uprising which is a very popular game right now on mobile  is competent game not a great game I'm gonna want you right now but it is at  the top of the iTunes charts I figure if  there is a new popular Star Wars game  you should know something about it if you're on Kotaku and so I want to show  you what it's all about it is essentially a Diablo clone comes from  command it is it's ok it's not great by any stretch of the imagination not gonna  be an all time Star Wars game but it's a free to play  Diablo clone for some people I think that I get them excited for others the  kind of wish there was more there you  played on Android as well I'm tapping on  my iPad screen here to move my character around his name is Anakin Skywalker I  think his race and take his gender and as I've been playing through the game  I've been picking up various items guns helmets would have you in leveling them up upgrading them so that he can have  slightly less dorky carey is exactly have cool gear yet all these these pants  are bad I don't want to go to the next class of pants more from standard  guerrilla trousers to refitted guerrilla trousers have to do I have to max out  these pants have to get some of these green crystals blue crystals on the  never have these other kinds of pants so there's a lot of investing your  resources you have all these jams that you're spending in order to to to level  the properties of everything up so yeah like I said Diablo ask very much loot  game it is free to play but this thing up top here chromium this is their  currency that ultimately they gonna push you toward in order to revive your  character spend chromium  random let's get some are sure that I  should let's get some better purple loot crane game that they have in the game use chromium on that as well as you'll  see right here yes I would be chromium to randomly drop a crane into  this thing and potentially get a piece of purple lewd last time I did this with some of the  starter chromium they gave me I got blue so go figure yeah so free to play but as with any  free-to-play game kind of thing you toward well here you can make the game  easier you can get better stuff if only  you would pay a little the money I'm not against pain to play  video games I think you should pay for the game but I just can't stand it is  free to play games are made what sort of  like hey it's free but if you don't want  to get a better pay and really just let me pay    bucks and have fun I can send  characters and then I can send them out on missions for example I can pick this  lady here who I have a    percent  success rate so I can send her out on a  mission and she'll get some gear by the bottom right here we see again the  opportunity to spend chromium in this case to reroll the missions that I could  get that might have better. 

What’s In The MOD:
God Mode
1 hit kill
Requires Android: 4.0 and Up
Version: 1.0.2
Download Links:
Install APK,Place data folder in SDCard/Android/Obb/ and play.

Install APK,place data folder in sdcard/android/obb/ and play.


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